Transaction status request

GET /1.0/client/transaction-status. Accepts the following parameters:

This request returns the status of the created transaction.

The list of statuses:

An example of a successful request (HTTP code 200):

   "data": { // transaction data
       "id": "33d728b1-dd7a-4e46-9bea-d8b0f7197286", // transaction ID
       "status": "finished", // transaction status
       "approveHash": "0xc58c570647c6130b26434908c82fd37d9f15cc44c2c6559541820c26cea8654a", // hash of token transaction confirmation (if a native token is sent - this field is empty)
       "source": { // departure network data
           "network": "FTM", // departure network symbol
           "crypto": "USDC", // departure token symbol
           "hash": "0xb47d5618a0313f728a8357fd69a707b1eaf5784df334f4d976a976083ba9685a" // Transfer initialization hash on the departure network
       "destination": { // destination network data
           "network": "POL", // destination network symbol
           "crypto": "USDC", // destination token symbol
           "hash": "0xdca6fa7c6c4500a950faed1d8266059b786fe3d826e047bdff39b015c9d4e11d" // Token transfer hash on the destination network
   "success": true // request success flag

Example of sent data validation error (HTTP code 400):

   "success": false, // request success flag
   "message": "Validation error", // error message
   "errors": [ // list of errors
           "field": "id", // request field, the validation of which ended with an error
           "messages": [ // validation error messages
               "Field are required"

Example of a common request error (HTTP code 400):

   "success": false, // request success flag
   "message": "Not enough balance" // error text

Example of server error (HTTP code 500):

   "success": false, // request success flag
   "message": "Internal Server Error" // error text

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